Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 2 - haircuts and even more awesome-ness

Good morning everyone,

Once again we have some awesome news. After an amazing worship service, Pastor Jay spoke about being a part of God's family. We had another young lady really respond to this message and accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. So with this camp experience we have had 5 students added to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We also had a little fun with hair today...

Our mission offering is going toward India. Last night we were able to Skype with an orphanage in India that was created to help stop the murder of female babies. We learned that when the people of India have a girl, many of them are not able to pay the dowry for them to be married. They avoid this shame by boiling or poisoning their child. Our offering goes to help provide food, education, medicine, and most importantly the Gospel.

Some of our guys were given a challenge for India. If they were to get a mohawk haircut (with parent permission), there would be a donation of $20 given to India. The pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

We have more photos to check out. Just click on the slideshow in the top right corner.

I hope you all are having a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to leave a quick note to let you all know that I've been praying for you all week, and that I'm really proud of all of you for what you've been doing!
    The haircuts look awesome, but the reason for the haircuts is better.
    This week, I've been praying specifically that hearts would changed for the Lord, that eyes would be opened to more of His glory, and that you all would remain safe.
    (Josh's big sister)
