Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 1 - 13 hours... of awesomeness!

Before I begin to tell the stories.  I want to let everyone know that we will be putting pics as soon as we can.  So much has happened in just these two days that we are going to try and organize everything so we don't forget or leave anything out.

First of all, thank you to all of the guys that helped us with the trailer turning signal issue.  Driving through, Louisville, Nashville, and Tuscaloosa made it absolutely necessary for us to be able to merge left and use our turn signal.

We tried!!!  We tried to make it to New Orleans in one day, but we just couldn't.  So we stopped two hours early in Laurel, Mississippi and stayed at a hotel.

13 hours on a church van sounds like insane torture, but oddly enough it wasn't that bad.  When we met up with the Setters' in Brentwood, TN, I expected a fight or struggle on getting off the van, to ride in their nice SUV.

They actually all wanted to stay.  We had to start a rotation, so that everyone got a turn on the SUV.  But it was pretty obvious they wanted to stay on the van.  It wasn't because the van had nice seats, cool air conditioning, and a great stereo system.

Our kids legitimately enjoy being with one another.  It doesn't very significant, but let me assure you how amazing that is.  Nobody enjoyed seeing someone get off the van for their rotation.  The SUV was a much nicer ride, had better sound, had better a/c, and the seats were more comfortable.

We are so blessed as a church to have such an inclusive youth department.  We may have struggles, but cliques aren't one of them.  Of the 11 students on the trip, everyone is comfortable with everyone else.  (And two of our students have never even been to camp with us before!)

To make a long story short.  We have a special group of kids.  We should follow their example sometime!

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